
Another Prayer Item

We should all pray that it doesn't rain on Saturday. There is a chance, and it's supposed to rain a lot this week. Since God loves us, and has power over the weather, it is not a fools hope to pray for this thing, I think.


At 9:21 AM, Blogger MalaBOOYAH said...

Egad! I guess I could say that it doesn't worry me much since it's not my wedding, but that would be mean. Very much something I would say, though, and I'm dang proud of that!

I will keep it in our prayers. I hope God is just throwing something in there to build our character up a bit. You know, not to worry so much about things and stuff like that.

The wedding will be good.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Phil said...

Heh; Lem's a punk.

Actually, the wedding is Friday, not Saturday. So raining all day Friday = probably bad. We have a plan to go indoors if it does rain, but we're not sure how well everyone will fit.

So, pray. Also no rain Wednesday (Bachelor Party) or Thursday (Rehearsal) would be good.

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Possum said...

Didn't you hear? They moved the wedding to Saturday!

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Possum said...

Well, it didn't rain on Saturday.


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