

True or False; All truth can be proven so by sufficient human reasoning?


At 9:14 PM, Blogger Luke said...

well.. after other people have posted their answer I'd love to hear reasoning for the thought.

And I promise not to discriminate against anyone for their answers. (c:
Cross my heart hope to die (which is a pleasant prospect right now as I have this paper to write and exams tomorrow).. true you'd miss me but c'mon.. that's HEAVEN waiting! Don't grudge me that. Nah, I'll be alright = tea and coffee.

At 4:35 AM, Blogger MalaBOOYAH said...

I'm with Jon.

I'll leave it to Jon to back it up, though.

At 6:25 AM, Blogger Luke said...

i finished my paper.. now it's just the exams. life is good. lem stayed up and chatted me through the final pages. man, what a friend. i've decided... we should pray each other through these last two weeks. like it or not, i'm gonna do it (pray for ya's).

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Possum said...

Well, to answer the question well, I'd have to know what "prove" means.

Also: What is "sufficient human reason"?

I think that there are truths to which reason can never come with absolute certainty. The Trinity, for example. Without the Bible, we would never conclude there was a Trinity.

However, the Trinity can never be proved false, and I think that its likely possible to show through an indirect route, that the Christian faith and thus the Trinity is actually the most plausible view of God.

If "most plausible" means "prove" it might be possible. If you accept Revelation as a possible point to beign reasoning, well, it can be proved from Revelation, right?

So it's a tricky issue.

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Steve & Kitty said...

It's a difficult question for me to come up with a good answer for because there seems to be alot of tricky issues involved in even precisely defining what the question means.

However, here are a number of my own ad hoc replies, just cuz I like getting validation of my own thoughts.

1. My basic answer is potentially yes, actually no.

I think that the truth of something is proven to us when we are conscious of the thing itself. I.e. "There is X" is proven to me when I am conscious of X. Hopefully, what it means to be 'conscious of something' is pretty evident to people.

It is possible to be conscious of all things, since God is conscious of all things. Essentially, it seems that consciousness is the same across the board. Thus, any being with consciousness can potentially be conscious of anything that any being can be conscious of in themselves.

Consequentially, the 'potentially yes', all truths can be potentially proven to us.

However, the reason I used the delimiter 'in themselves', is that God's consciousness is the only consciousness that can actually be aware of all things. Every other being's consicousness is limited in some way. Hence the 'actually no'.

2. In another way we can have something 'proven' to us in a weaker sense by authority. The degree to which the thing is 'proven' to us depends upon how much we trust the authority. This kind of 'proof' can never reach the type of proof in 1 since we can only be conscious of the existence of X and its likenesses, not of the essence of X like we can in 1.


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