Keep looking to grow.
posted by MalaBOOYAH @ 25.7.05 5 comments
that was totally random. RIGHT ON!! (c:
oh. and I shaved off my goutee.
Uh oh. That sounds like it might hurt.
actually. doesn't hurt. I'm a high sensate on the bottom of my chin now. weeird. shirts are so soooft to brush my chin against. mm... mm..
Man, now I know why the Dustin is totally the "D to the G". Truly phat rhymes, dawg!
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We like cheese.
that was totally random. RIGHT ON!! (c:
oh. and I shaved off my goutee.
Uh oh. That sounds like it might hurt.
actually. doesn't hurt. I'm a high sensate on the bottom of my chin now. weeird. shirts are so soooft to brush my chin against. mm... mm..
Man, now I know why the Dustin is totally the "D to the G". Truly phat rhymes, dawg!
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