you're invited
this coming wednesday is my final exam in welding class... we're welcome to invite friends/family to come. Should be a nice time of getting together, and the people are all really interesting. I'd recommend it as a random "do something" event. Part of an evening commitment and nothing else, free dinner.
Oh. The exam IS a dinner. It's a barbeque to be exact. So it should be mighty fine. No alcohol, but we're experienced at having a good time without, right? I mean, remember the days way back when... when.. we didn't drink and stuff? Yeah. Those days. Anyhooo, it's an open invitation and it'd be great for you to come. 6pm Wednesday. I'll give you more info if you want it.
Feed me more info, Libby and I might be interested in coming. (I haven't talked to her about it yet, of course, but I can bring it up, and I think we'd be up for it)
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