
Do You Like the Divine Comedy?

Remember that vernacular version of the Comedy posted in Torrey Chatter? Well, I was poking around in the meta-torrey folders for Dante and found that they are exhibiting the paintings that were used as the illustrations of that version here in Orange County this week. Because of the size of the exhibit it's split between two galleries, one on the CSUF campus in Fullerton and another on the campus in Santa Ana (downtown Santa Ana cerca mi escuela, es mi barrio).



If any of you want to go on a field trip in the near future (this weekend or next), then I up totally up for that. Otherwise Libby and I will go by ourselves. Let me know! If we want, we could also do a little cultural tour of downtown Santa Ana.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger Possum said...

I guess none of you actually like the Divine Comedy.

I can't go next weekend it turns out, and half the exhibit closes on the 10th (which is Friday following next weekend).

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Eric said...

I know I don't like the Divine Comedy. I mean, it just wasn't all that funny, definitely not divinely comic. I guess people who read poetry don't have a sense of humor.


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