I killed today.
I don't usually do that at my job.
I got a call from Facilities before I got to work saying that some residents in Alpha had trapped a mouse in their laundry room. Apparently they found it in the bathroom first. They shut the door on it, but it squeezed out and went into the laundry room. They shut that door, and put a blanket along the bottom of it to keep the creature inside.
Since we contract with the pest company for the maintenance of the dorms, it was my responsibility to take care of it. I could have called our pest agent, but he wouldn't be able to come until late in the day, and it seemed unwarranted to have him come all the way out to the campus for one little mouse. So, I enlisted the help of one of my workers, and went into the laundry room with a couple of trashcans and a broken piece of desk. My idea was to catch it - I didn't know what to do after that.
We closed the door after us, and poked around the room, quickly establishing that it had to be under the laundry machines. As we pulled out the washer and dryer, my employee yelped at a sudden movement. Shaking and pushing the dryer, the mouse burst out across the floor and ran into a crack behind a cabinet. We tried to get it out of there with some pieces of cardboard, but it just went deeper and deeper in.
At that point, I knew that there wasn't going to be any easy way of finishing the job. I informed the girls that I was going to have to get a trap and kill the mouse. This upset them, but there wasn't really any other option.
To make a long story short, I put down a couple of glue strips, baited them with some candy, and waited. Around noon I got a call that the mouse was trapped.
The problem with glue strips is that they're not fatal, but you have to kill the animal that's trapped on it. There's no way to unstick it. The directions say just to throw the animal away, but I didn't want to let it die slowly in a dumpster. When I found the strip, the mouse was struggling pretty strongly, but it couldn't make any headway. Its whole body was stuck to the board, not just its legs. It would occasionally let out a pathetic little squeak and thrash its tail around, but there was just no chance of it escaping.
I looked around my storage room for something large and sharp (like a shovel) to end its pain quickly, but there wasn't anything. I thought about using furniture to crush it, but I didn't want to get blood all over the furniture (or floor). So, I took a bit of plastic, and wrapped the mouse and glue board up in it. Before I sealed it all, I sprayed some cleaning solution onto the strip around where the mouse's nose was stuck. I sealed it up tight and waited.
For probably 30 seconds, the mouse struggled - its efforts weakening quickly until they ceased. I pushed at the little warm body and it didn't move. I took the relic of life outside, and threw it in the dumpster, making sure to put it where it would be covered from view.
Even mice deserve some respect.
After that I washed my hands and went to eat lunch (dead chicken).
Oh, I thought students were stealing furniture again.
Hey, my diet is pretty decent... I eat eggs and drink milk! Both mere byproducts. (c: lol! Meat tastes good though. I hate putting life to death though. Makes me feel sick in my stomach.
Only eggs and milk?
yeah, that's pretty close to "it".
I eat a surprising number of meals with people though, so I can't say that eggs and milk is "all" i eat.
it's more my standard meal.
On the lines of not ending life, I thought it would be cool that instead of killing bugs and pests we find ways to make use of what they do within our houses and gardens. E.g. instead of spraying ants, we set up a consumable trash area for the ants to get their food from. At that point I run out of ideas.
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