
please slump backward

Well according to research it's good for your back to be reclined at about 135 degrees if you're working at a desk. Apparently the 90 degree angle we appropriate to "good posture" is actually not all that great for our backs! I found a couple pictures that are somewhat related. (c:


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Secretwallaby said...

Actually, the pictures you have are of slouching, which according to the article leads to wear and tear on the back. The best position is at a 135 angle Backwards...not that I can see how we can affectively work that way...

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Eric said...

Lie on a couch when you get home, like I do.

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Luke said...

I KNOW it's 135 backward.. i just found some somewhat related pictures. Gosh. that's why the title of the post is please slump backward. Sigh.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Possum said...

I like your pictures, Luke. I like them because they speak to my very inner soul with sweet words of wisdom and harmony.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Clown for God said...

I love the fact that when I read your post, and the article, I was sitting in that exact position. Take that, people who keep telling me to sit perfectly upright!!! =P


At 9:48 AM, Blogger Possum said...

I have a good idea about how to get good posture. Whenever one of you sees me slouching (when I'm standing, since it's ok to slouch n sit), you should say - STAND UP, MAN!

And then maybe I can correct my bad posture!


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