one and all, of US
Hey, I asked my grandma about meeting here on Sunday and she said 'sure!', so... that's settled. Now someone else settle the TIME. I don't have the system we have set down very well memorized, so I'm not sure if it'd be one of the 'first of the month' things, or is it the third, or whatnot.. so.. yeah. We got location.
Any chance you'll drive on Down a few more hours lem? heh. jetlag baby, oh yeah. (i still got jetlag, but it's getting better-ish)
Dude, man. I'll be flying into SFO on Friday and most likely drive SIX HOURS back down to Ventura on Saturday (while I'm still on jetlag I might add), and you want me to drive the extra hour and a half down to the La Mirada/La Habra area to meet you guys?
Hmmmmm, maybe...I'll have to think about it.
i have a long weekend, I could drive your car down for you, and you drive yourself back up. ? waiit... then who would drive MY car down. dang it.
other alternatives that come immediately to mind look like... 8 hours of driving time for me. maybe more. huh.
I'm planning on driving 7 hours on Saturday!
Luke, you could go pick Lem up from Ventura, drive him down, then drive him back up.
Lem would sleep in the car, thus defeating jet lag!
yeah, I could do that. sounds fun.
an additional benefit of that is that I could listen to his music.
i'm starting to get tired of mine, hey lem, you can burn a fat mp3 cd 'cause my car has got an mp3 player. what is up.
um.. so lem, are you up for it? lemme know, or I'll be bored all weekend.
actually, a quick correction Jonathan.. you don't defeat jet-lag by giving in, i.e. sleeping during the day. You defeat it by staying awake normal hours and sleeping as much as you can during normal hours. at least that is my experience. So... if we drive at night, lem can drive-ish (I still have a bit of jetlag myself, very mild now), and if during the day, I drive. (c:
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