
D-mn you all!

Screw you boys for abusing my trust. Now I need to change my password and everything just so you guys don't mess with my blog. I can't be angry with you all, though, because I helped in messing with Dustin's blogger identity for a while. That would make me a hypocrite to become angry.

So anyway, Jon is probably right and this blog will end one day. Jon and I will blame it on everyone else because they don't contribute at all.

Jon and I win. But I win more.


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Eric said...

Sorry Lem, I didn't know it'd annoy you.

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Possum said...

I don't think saving your blog password on Joe's computer is an expression of trust that we've abused, Lem.

It seems like the situations back in the dorms when someone would leave their Bubbs password open and then people would post funny things about them all over (which we all did). That situation doesn't seem like an abuse of trust, and neither does this one. Instead it's the exploitation of somebody's absent-mindedness, like when somebody moves the eraser for the poor professor who forgets where everything is, and is convinced that he's lost it and so has to go find another one, or whatever.

If it had been seen as an insult or an abuse of you as a person and the relationship that we share, I guarantee that nobody would have messed with anything.

In the same vein, though, I'd like to confess that I changed the title of Eric's blog to "Blowing up..."

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Phil said...

Eric has a blog? Whoa. Cool.

I thought Jon was talking about "all this will come to an end" meaning life as a student, not this blog. But I could be wrong.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger MalaBOOYAH said...

I want to see Eric's blog. Where is it?

Jon is a poop head for taking blog entry too seriously.

I did realize that I left the password on the website and all, but I didn't think much of it. But now it seems to be somewhat a problem, and now I can't fix it since it automatically loads up whenever you go to blogger.com. At least on bubbs if you log out, it doesn't completely save your login info, unless you're a moron and tell it to do so (if you're in the dorms, of course). There's probably a simple way to fix it, but I don't know what it is. Phil?

Eric, no hard feelings. I didn't mean to come off as really offended. As a whole, I don't care. Just sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, I'll get a little annoyed, but whatever.

Phil is looking at baby name websites.

At 12:57 AM, Blogger Possum said...

We figured out how to unsave your password, but it was after you had already changed it and we would have needed to know your password to unsave it from the browser. So, we rock.

You can link to Eic's blog by clicking on his name.


Baby names?

That deserves its own post.


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