
Make it Stop!



Only the Sith deal in Absolutes

I wish people would stop proof texting this line as evidence that the whole Star Wars movie's moral philosophy is relativistic. That's just plainly false from any sensible reading of the film, taking into account the hundreds of absolutist lines.

Notice that, for Luke and Phil, I did not ruin any plot points. This is actually a complaint about Biola students. Many, many Biola students have complained about this line, and they are obviously not using their hermeneutical skills (such as Walt Russell has given them).


I'm sick of school.

I like beer.

Katie's short.

Anything else?



True or False; All truth can be proven so by sufficient human reasoning?


That Time of Year

I was just in the backyard. It's 9:41 at night. According to Weather.com it's 68 degrees. I suspect it's a little warmer than that in the backyard. In other words, it's the nicest it's been all day so far right now outside. It's uncomfortably warm upstairs and in the rest of the house.

That's right, folks. We need to do some couch renovation. We need some porch renewal. We need to graduate.

But let's put the needs more plainly:

1. Alcohol
2. Summer nights
3. Friends
4. Backyard

Throw on some mellow, quiet rock. Discuss life, movies, ideas. The result? Ideal male community experience!

Phil, you're going to need to make a pilgrimmage. Lem: you know what I'm talking about. Dustin, Dustin... Dustin? Anyone? Dustin? Luke, you'll like this. Eric will, too, I think.

All the Ducks...

Are swimming in the water.

All the Freaking Ducks Are Swimming in the Freaking Water

I post this (somewhat) regretably, but I also know that it would inevitably show up, anyway. So, here it is. It's a rather long flash video. It has a catchy tune.

Most of you know what I'm talking about. Luke, you'll soon find out.

Hat-tip to Heather Guenther's Xanga, where I found it.

obsessive, but cool.

Chief Suit


The Darth Side

The Memoirs of a Monster


A Question

Does seeing beautiful things make you beautiful?


I'm thinking of you, Phil.



An important date

No pants day

Ok, here's an ID hotspot

Really current heated debate on ID. Original article is against it.

The American Epic?

These guys seem to think so.