

What're some of your favorite speeches?

I'm interested in film speeches, play speeches, novel speeches (I can think of at least one great one from LotR), and real speeches (like, The Gettysburg Address).

I've been noticing some great ones recently (I saw Braveheart yesterday).


just too much

Alison Murphy wrote a Chimes article on diversity.


Too hilarious. It's one of those "I'd mock you, but the challenge is gone" situations.


my momma woulda slapped me...

They're having "diversity day" today at fullerton and they just did a bunch of ethnic dances. Sure some of them are really sensual yeah, but... I'm SURE they wouldn't dress that way where they dance them. Gosh. Sooooo scanty. Guys and gals. Drew a crowd.
Which leads me to say "ethnic over-exaggeration". Probably offended the culture group the dance claimed to be from (which tends to be super well covered). Representational offense. All this to say a 'boo' again towards the whole spotlighting of diversity. Diversity is good, spotlighting... not so good. Anyway, that's my thoughts for the moment.



Does anyone else think it's hilarious that Archie is still around?

When Analysis bites

Just out of curiousity, am I the only person who thinks some things lose a special 'something' that they had before they were dissected by analysis? For example, a short story read is enjoyable, analysis brings out depths unperceived and in general kills the story for me. Can I not be heretical by saying that enjoying something often is outside of analyzing it?


Revisiting Sex

Not me, this guy:

W. Jay Wood, a professor of Philosophy from Wheaton College, criticizes a recent book by a philosopher about lust. He shows that this guy's thesises were predicted and responded to by St. Thomas, and he defends St. Augustine's moderate views on sexuality.

I submit to you this book review.

a site

Here's a site that goes back over the piracy thing. Very interesting. It's also incredibly annoying because I have 2 un-copy-able CDs and so I have to stick the CD's into my computer to listen to them. Such great CDs, and worth putting in. Man, how lazy can I get?? Anyhoo. The CDs are David Crowder's Band (good worship music) and Herbert Gronemeyer's "Mensch" (Humans) (German Philosophical music). Sigh. Push button, input disc, click click click, music, only one artist for a whole hour or so.. gosh.. unheard of these days.


More brilliance



Save Toby




All three?

Check out this site:


What we need more of in this world...

...cannibalism! Take a bite out of your friend or roommate today!


this is what happens...

...when your aggregation software is not as smart as it could be:

So proud

Look at him all smiling, so proud that he's going to be an aunt.
Sorry Jon; couldn't resist!


aggregation station

Check it out: Planet Zacchaeus!

Jon, see if you can get your atom feed to show more than just the first part of each post. I think it's a Blogger setting somewhere.

Everyone get me a picture so we can have your head show up next to your post.

We rule.


Mwuan Mwuak Muorf

I'm sleepy.


Celebratory Laudatory by the Lavatory for Joe!

Happy Birthday to Joe (who doesn't even read this blog!)!

He is 23.

That is old, and it is also one of those wonderful numbers whose digits goes in sequene. 2 - 3.

Good on' Joe for making it this far, and let's hope he progresses so much further.


An Interesting Article...

Here is a Wall Street Journal Opinion Article on downloading music you don't own. It is merely a call to recognize the morality or immorality of such behavior. In other words, it can't be a matter of courts for ever and ever, but a matter of public morality that solves it.

This makes sense for internet people, too, because if you change the culture in a positive way (not saying this is easy), then there won't be people abusing good programs, and good programs can be made that have possible negative applications.

I have some thoughts on what makes stealing stealing, but I wonder about this argument that I've heard cited (from Phil) regarding illegal downloading. "It doesn't impact the artist, you're taking it from some big coorporation."

This argument seems to imply that stealing from bad people is permissable, but stealing from good people is not. Or, is it that taking from bad people is not stealing? Is it justified by some higher good, the good of civil disobedience?

I'm curious. Let's talk about it.


Edifying movies

Alright.. there's great movies out there. Yeah, that one's got a nice plot, and the other one has great action, and maybe there are a few with good computer graphics, but I just watched Les Miserables (the movie) and I think edifying movies are the bomb! Awesome awesome. Ok, so post up what you think are good edifying movies. I'll start:

Les Miserables
To End All Wars
Babbet's Feast
The Passion of the Christ (or The Jesus Film)


a time to DREAM

Anyone who can read this all the way through without wincing gets a prize!