

Xanga is going kaput. Myspace may be even more awful than Xanga, but it does what Xanga tried to do better, so Xanga is on the way out! Compounding its decline will be its inability to link outside of itself. As less people use it, the more people will jump out of it in order to maintain communication with their friends. Unfortunately that means that they'll be using myspace, but whatever, that is here to stay for a while.

Will it stay as long as Xanga? Anyone want to hazard a guess?

Since China's so interesting...

There are bound to be dissenters about its progress and success. Here's one with some statistics:

The Dark Side of China's Rise


the truth

can't stop laughing...

OK, this comic strip is "the cats".


lost in..

Funky site, thought you might like it, in particular maybe Eric. (c:


fern gully

Here is a weird site. Apparently there is an interconnectedness of cells and living things that causes them to percieve in a way we didn't believe possible. Ever thought a plant could cringe? Pretty funky, but cool, if it is true.

Do You Like the Divine Comedy?

Remember that vernacular version of the Comedy posted in Torrey Chatter? Well, I was poking around in the meta-torrey folders for Dante and found that they are exhibiting the paintings that were used as the illustrations of that version here in Orange County this week. Because of the size of the exhibit it's split between two galleries, one on the CSUF campus in Fullerton and another on the campus in Santa Ana (downtown Santa Ana cerca mi escuela, es mi barrio).



If any of you want to go on a field trip in the near future (this weekend or next), then I up totally up for that. Otherwise Libby and I will go by ourselves. Let me know! If we want, we could also do a little cultural tour of downtown Santa Ana.


No Pants Day, 2006. Read all about it.


I hate to do this, but it must be done: Chuck Norris 2.0!

Oh, and what do you think... Does Dustin Facts need the ability to rate facts? Because I can do it if there's demand.


A visit in June or July

By the end of June I'll have a bunch of leave saved up, so I'm planning on coming over to Cali for a visit. Anyone going to be available then and able to go camping?


History may not repeat itself, but it rhymes...
Mark Shuttleworth in an interesting post on the state of China



Check my site meter again:)

permission to post, sir?

I saw an advert on the net while I was reviewing a story linked to from Slashdot. The advert is just hilarious, but involves a somewhat scanty clad woman. Sigh. I'd post it, but don't want to offend sensibilities. Anyhoo, the woman is advertising Christian Dating, i.e. e-harmony. So absolutely wrong and therefore, funny. Lemme know what you think.


kitty sniffing

We like to tumble, yes we do.

(Credit: Mar Cruz)

Bollywood is doing a remake of Fight Club! Complete with song and dance! Look out, world.

Oh, and the Torrey tutors are tumblelogging.

this is so nerve wracking



Hebrew Beer: set apart.


I'll have to see if they have this stuff at BevMo next time I go (who knows when that will be?). Maybe during the summer we should start a beer/wine tasting element to our meetings.

Just a thought.