
Baby Names

Phil, in every man's life, there comes the time when he decides to continue his line. When that time comes, when this fruitful expansive time comes, difficult decisions need to be made. Things like, where do we put the crib? And, Who changes the diaper this time?

But there is a more fundamental question that comes before these serious concerns. I is the question that mothers and fathers agonize over, for it will detrmine their child's future.

"What will I name my child?"

Phil, other men and other women may struggle when naming their children, but for you the question will be easy. I think we know how you should decide to name your man-child. You need to decide by thinking, what name do I see best filled in my life? Who have I seen who best exemplifies those virtues that I wish to see lived by my child? Who do I want my child to emulate?

Well, Phil, those questions are hard for many parents, but for you they will be easy. You have many male friends, but only really one that you can name your man-child after. There's only one of your male friends who you can say, "This is the man-friend after whom I will fashion the fruit of my loins."

That's me, Phil. Let's face the facts. That's me. The name for your man-child is Jonathan.


At 7:48 AM, Blogger MalaBOOYAH said...

And the name of your female-child should be Dustin because her long flowing, brown hair really shows the true essense of a woman.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Luke said...

I think "Starlight" for a girl and "Luke" for a boy would be great. I mean.. Jon's got a point, but you don't REALLY want to fashion your child after such a archetype of masculinity do you? How about a good average "Joe"? I can totally affirm the choice of Luke, because as one, I can vouch for it's goodness and proper functionality as a name. Do name him or her well. And well, have a him or her to name! (but don't let me put the peer pressure on)

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Possum said...

Starlight for a girl?

It's funny. Starlight is pretty, but that just makes me think "hippy." Maybe if you could find another language from which you could take the word for "Starlight" that we wouldn't associate with hippies. That might be cool.

At 1:37 AM, Blogger MalaBOOYAH said...

Phil, just don't name your son Lem. Because I am the coolest ever, he would have the pressure of everyone who knew him to live up to me. It's impossible, and it may lead to failure of his own self-worth. That would be bad.

Only I can live up to my name because I am the best. Do your son a favor. Name him Jonathan. That name is hardly something to live up to. He could easily make it much better than it is now.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Possum said...


You are hiding your true feelings behind a facade of derision.

I know that deep down you also want to be named Jonathan, so that you could be a little more like me, and thus, well, cool. And as you're really not that cool right now, you could use all the help you can get, I admit.

But, Lem, I hold out hope for you. I think that in these troubled times there's a coolness niche that is just right for you. A niche of coolness that you can fill, even with named Lem.

I hold out hope that you'll discover and fill it soon!

At 10:11 PM, Blogger MalaBOOYAH said...

My comment on this post was better (and cooler) than Jon's.

At 12:44 AM, Blogger Possum said...

Even if I agree to that, Lem, my post was cooler than Lem's comment on my post.

So. I rock!


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