Here is a
Wall Street Journal Opinion Article on downloading music you don't own. It is merely a call to recognize the morality or immorality of such behavior. In other words, it can't be a matter of courts for ever and ever, but a matter of public morality that solves it.
This makes sense for internet people, too, because if you change the culture in a positive way (not saying this is easy), then there won't be people abusing good programs, and good programs can be made that have possible negative applications.
I have some thoughts on what makes stealing stealing, but I wonder about this argument that I've heard cited (from Phil) regarding illegal downloading. "It doesn't impact the artist, you're taking it from some big coorporation."
This argument seems to imply that stealing from bad people is permissable, but stealing from good people is not. Or, is it that taking from bad people is not stealing? Is it justified by some higher good, the good of civil disobedience?
I'm curious. Let's talk about it.